Monday, July 4, 2011

Anniversary Time!!!

As most of you know, Casey and I (Stephanie aka 1) got married on July 3, 2010 in Portland, Oregon, surrounded by family, friends, and peacocks. It was a hectic day, starting with early morning decorating at the location, hair & makeup, and bustling to make it to Horning’s Hideout on time… I didn’t get to pamper myself much because I had 3 minutes to bathe, then I got to put on my dress in a glorified lean-to. Let me tell you, it was AWKWARD to have no idea what I looked like… no mirrors out there.

This year couldn’t have been more different. Although I woke up early again, this time it was to take Conan for a walk. Then Casey and I drove out to Tybee Island to run on the beach. That’s right folks, we were on the beach running by 8am on our first anniversary. No hanky panky there! I should have known it would be an *interesting* experience when I sprayed sunscreen on the mister and he squealed and shivered because it was too cold for his delicate skin…

We opted for a barefoot jaunt, and my marathon guide told me I needed to log 50 minutes running. Casey proved to be the epitome of a perfect running buddy. He was so observant, pointing out details I had missed: the sand felt “weird;” there was an abundance of “poky sticks” in the “weird” sand; and didn’t I know that the Atlantic Ocean boasts jellyfish that are simply itching to jump out of the water to sting him? I decided to ignore these statements, focus on the beauty of the beach, and start running. We made it about 150 feet, and Casey squawked because he stepped on a landmine. Yes, a landmine. Most of the human race describes these things as seashells, but for Mr. Wilmore, they are jagged, dangerous landmines. Then he reminds me that he loves shoes. He always wears shoes. He noted that “everyone else out here is wearing shoes!!” I offered to turn around so he could sit by himself on the beach, put on some shoes, or figure out a way to buck up so we could just do the damned run. He said he would tough it out. Yeah… not so much. 7 minutes later:  
Casey: “Dammit another landmine got me!”
Stephanie: “Baby, just pretend you’re playing Call of Duty and dodge the motherf*ckers. I have faith in you.”
Casey: “Don’t you Call-of-Duty-reference me! Like that will make this better! This sucks!”
16 minutes in: “Seriously, aren’t you hurting too? There’s no way you haven’t been landmined yet!”
19 minutes: “This sucks!”
21 minutes: “I think I’m getting a blister…”
22 minutes: “Did you hear me? I said I think I’m getting a blister.”
27 minutes: “F*ck this, I’ve got a blister.”

Needless to say, we did not make it the full 50 minutes, although my abs got a nice workout from laughing. And we both got blisters. Lesson learned~ if running on the beach, wear shoes and bring duct tape to maintain sealed lips.

We went to the Breakfast Club on Tybee for a nice feast, then headed back to Lachlan Lane, where we took a 3-hour nap with all three kiddos. I booked the Dresser Palmer House for the evening (we stayed in the wisteria room, and the site photos don't do it justice!), and we enjoyed a truly fabulous dinner at Garibaldi’s CafĂ©, where we had enough wine and beer to not feel the blisters as we walked back to our room. A massive shout-out to Jessica and Chandler, who made us a reservation and paid for the best creme brulee I've had in years, with an atmosphere to die for!! We wandered back to our room, where we watched crazy Sasquatch trackers on Animal Planet. Not as good as the Crocodile Hunter, but really, who can touch Steve Irwin? "There's a rabid wallaby over there in the corner. I think she's angry... I'm gonna give her a hug!!!"

So all in all, a marvelous way to spend a day with the one I love. We got to laugh a lot, remember good times together, and we’re both ready to welcome the future with open arms. As long as the future doesn’t include homicidal seashells.
Outside our room at the Dresser Palmer House!

Friday, July 1, 2011

This is where we will go in October....

October 23, 2011 is the big day! This is where we are headed (to our doom?). Stay tuned!! Columbia Gorge Marathon  Hood River is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places I've seen. That should distract me from the pain of the run, and provide ample excuses for why I need to take so many breaks (I mean, I HAVE to take in the view, right?). Some of the natural eye candy Katie and I will be able to enjoy:

The other decision-maker for my participation in this race was the food, as described on the site:
 "We will have a food tent at the finish line, featuring Taco del Mar, hot soup and homemade bread from Lou Gehrig. Apples and pears from  McCurdy Farms will also be offered. Food will also be offered to spectators at the price of $7.00 per person. This means you may purchase a ticket to enter and enjoy our finish line food while you cheer on the incoming racers!"