Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's gonna be a long one...

I love to walk. Especially when I'm supposed to be running. So, in an effort to break up 26.2 miles into bite-size chunks and placate my love of walking, I'm working out my run / walk strategy for this thing. When I first joined in on this whole marathon business, my run:walk ratio was about 4min running: 1min walking. I say "running" liberally here as it was more like plodding.

After the 10-miler I ambitiously scheduled to do before work Friday morning it sunk in just how far I've come in a really short time. 4 minutes is now way too short of a span for me to feel like I've earned the right to walk. 10 minutes is now the minimum and I stretch it out to 20 minutes if I'm feeling good. Hooray for progress!

Friday morning's workout was also the inaugural run with my new AmphiPod hydration belt and electrolyte replacement drinks. Although my belt is not nearly as fashionable as Steppy's it suited my needs just fine. I was pretty worried about spending 10 miles with a couple water bottles bouncing around my waist but it worked like a charm. Also fully appreciated throwing a couple Strawberry Lemonade Nuun tablets in with the water. My legs may have been about to fall off but my energy level stayed high.

Gu is now my other weapon against fatigue in the long runs. Considering it has such a gross consistency, that Gu gel sure is awesome. Will test out how the Gu Chomps settle in my tummy in next week's long session. Lord knows I'd love to chow down on 10 bags of those gummy delights but I'm worried they won't settle well since I yakked up gummy bears during a 3 hour paddle a couple years ago.

So here I am all decked out with my AmphiPod, Nuun tablets, Gu packets, Garmin 305 & iPhone ready to take on these double-digit runs. About 3 miles into it a couple Navy SEALs wearing nothing but combat boots and gym shorts pass me like I'm standing still. They do it again after I've made my turn for home and have about 3 miles left. I'm pretty sure they did double my mileage then spent the day on the Obstacle Course I pass on the drive to my cushy office chair. You go boys! Looks like I've found a new inspiration.

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