Thursday, June 9, 2011

Let's do this thing...

Howdy! I'm not quite sure how to successfully do this blogging thing, but I figured it could be appropriate to start with a photo of us from a while ago... In the summer of 2004, Katie and I embarked on another journey-- we both graduated from the University of Georgia, and I decided to move out west to stretch my little wings and see whether or not I was capable of flying on my own. All my life I'd never been away from family for more than a day or so at a time; I wanted to see what life was like beyond the South. First, I signed up for AmeriCorps in Montana. Second, I realized I needed to drive out there. Who better to accompany me than my best friend?? She was always the sensible one, and I needed as much help as possible to make it out west in a silver Beetle. So... ROAD TRIP!!!! 

This picture is from our two-week winding path-- 16 states, 5200+ miles (mapquest said we could do it in 2093 miles, but that's just boring)...

Our shadows do wicked kung fu...
Here we are on a big red rock in Texas...
So, while our friendship/shenanigans started in middle school, my digital photography started after college. More to come soon, like the origin of A-1, why we're marathoning, and the ups/downs of training with your best friend from opposite coasts (1 is in Savannah for the summer, A is stationed in San Diego).

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