Sunday, June 19, 2011

From the Shoes of A:

I always joked about running a marathon after hanging up my paddle as a way to get rid of those pesky, over-developed kayaker muscles. However, in the first year and a half of retirement I found life as a couch potato far more enticing. I still lost the muscles I'd worked so hard on developing over the years but was not exactly pleased with what replaced them. Yet exercising just for the sake of exercising still didn't motivate me. My lazy butt needed a project.

So then comes this Facebook update from Stephanie stating she had signed up to run a marathon. Paid the entrance fee and everything. The clouds parted, the stars aligned and lightning struck. An adventure with Steppy has never led me astray. At least this one would be good for our health!

On October 23, 2011 we will be lining up along the Columbia River Highway for 26.2 miles of fun. Got a LOT of work to do between now and then!

Things I have learned since starting this whole marathon business:

  1. Cotton kills - especially cotton socks after just a few miles.
  2. Spandex saves - the only fun chafing produces is the fun your friends poke at you as you waddle around post spandex-less workout. Time to re-invest in my stock of spandies!
  3. Never underestimate the power of fear - my terror of the snakes in the running trails outside my house can dramatically improve both my form and speed!

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